Saturday, April 15, 2023

Hospital day #1 4/15/23

Well today was a day of just hurry up and wait. We found out pretty early on that she wasn't going to be going into surgery. The infection mostly from last time has eroded away her bone on her forehead that sits in the front of the sinus cavity and also the bone that sits between the sinus cavity and her brain. It would be really risky to try and go in and clean it out now because it could push the infection into her brain. We are giving the antibiotics 48 hours to do their job then she'll get another CT and then they will reevaluate the plan. We talked about putting in a PICC so they started to put that plan in motion but infectious disease needs her blood cultures to come back clean of infection for 48 hours so we have to wait until Monday or Tuesday and hopefully nothing grows on that. Then infectious disease (ID) mentioned they might need a biopsy so they can nail down what bacteria(s) we're dealing with. The ENT and ID talked it over and decided to just try a culture from her nasal cavity. At this point it's already 1 pm and ENT finally came down to do the culture and let her know that she could finally eat and drink. She had to order food before the procedure, the poor girl was so hungry. They gave her some happy juice (versed) and went in her nose with a scope at the bedside, it was really tight because her nasal cavity is small and blocked by bone in some places. They got a swab and we are crossing our fingers that it was good enough to get good cultures off of. 
She is on 3 very big antibiotics; flagyl, ceftriaxione, and vancomycin. Vancomycin is very hard on veins and will just "eat" them away. This causes IV 's to blow and you need to start a new one. Her IV lasted a whopping 23 hours before she needed a new one. She handled it like a champ and hopefully this one will last longer. 

Her face has continued to swell a little throughout the day so we're keeping a close eye on that. Hopefully that will start to go down tomorrow. 

A funny little story after she got cultured. As she was eating her hot dog she's so super happy to be eating and add in the happy juice she was on cloud nine!  As she's eating she holds her hot dog in the air and yells "I LOVE HOT DOG". Just living her best hospital life at that moment. 🤣 we got a few chuckles out of her happy juice. 

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