Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Unexpected Turn of Events! 9/3/24

So, it all started 2 days ago when Braylee started complaining that her halo was loose. I looked at it and it didn't seem loose to me. Fast forward to the next day and she woke up immediately complaining about her head hurting and halo being wiggly. I check it and sure enough it's super wiggly. Took us awhile to figure out what was going on and then we realized it was the pin sites on the side of her head that were wiggling.  I texted her surgeon and he called me soon after and explained how to tighten them even if they are already tight. As soon as Jeff tightened it, Braylee jumped and did a little scream. So we immediately stopped and decided to just take her in the next day (today). 

Today, we took her to her surgeons office this morning and he looked at her and gave her 2 options, 
1. He could tighten the screws back down. 
2. He could just take the whole thing off right then and there. 
Of course she picked #2!!! 
Once it was off we headed over to the dental office to have her mouth piece removed, which was also super easy!! 

So.... without further ado here's our girl on the other side of this midface advancement!! 

It's been a rollercoaster of a day and we couldn't be happier!! She doesn't have to have to go under anesthesia again and she got it off 13 days earlier than expected!! 

And here are the before and after pictures. So many emotions when I look at these pictures. I just can't believe the changes!