Friday, December 6, 2013

And we are walking!!!!

I am just a tad bit behind in posting this blog!  Sorry about that!  Well we have had a great couple of months.  Braylee has started to walk more than crawl and is such a joy to watch walk around! She can push herself up from a sitting position to standing!  She has progressed so much, she amazes us everyday! Braylee now weighs around 22 lbs. (43rd percentile) and is 32 in. tall (89th percentile). She hasn't developed many more words yet but is just jabbering away and discovering new octaves haha!  We are going to be starting some sort of speech therapy here sometime.  We still have yet to go through all the details with the Speech Therapist yet but everyone is in agreement that we should start some early intervention here soon. We had a physical therapist come evaluate her a couple of weeks ago, just to see if there is anything we need to do to help her with balance or anything.  The PT was just in awe at Braylee and everything that she can do and has overcome.  At this point she doesn't think we need to intervene yet.  We will wait a little while and let her get it all figured out herself and then when she starts running around more, then we may add in something to help her stabilize a little better.   She is doing better and better in her occupational therapy.  She is finally letting the therapist stretch  and work with her a little more.  Just taking it one step at a time.

We went down to SLC on November 25.....see told you I was behind on my posts :).  We went to her Craniofacial Clinic.  This is where we see multiple doctors in one visit.  At this visit we saw her Plastic Surgeon, Orthodontist, a Speech Pathologist,  and her E.N.T.
Her plastic surgeon didn't really have anything new to say since we just saw him 2 weeks before that.  We just have our next visit with him in May to measure her head and make sure things are still growing in the right direction.
Her orthodontist was sad to say that we will be seeing a whole lot more of him here in a couple of years :(.  With Apert Syndrome the mouth and palate are narrower than usual so he is most likely going to have to do quite a bit of work to help her out in that area.  He recommended we get her into a pediatric dentist, preferably one that has worked with Apert or at least a cleft palate.  He we was hoping we could find one in Wyoming that is close to us but after making calls and talking to our local dentist, we have discovered that there isn't a pediatric dentist close to us in Wyoming.  So we will be going to SLC for that also.
The speech pathologist was very happy with Braylee's progress and agreed with all of the steps we have taken so far in helping her along.
Last but not least is her E.N.T.  Braylee had been having a little bit of draining out of her ear and the Dr. said that even if there isn't an infection at that point that we should get her started on drops because most likely one is coming.  So unfortunately  we started her on her drops then and am glad to say that has cleared up.

So there were some ups and downs to the appointment but the great part is still no surgeries scheduled or even mentioned to be in the near future.  We have so much to be thankful for this year and couldn't be happier with our little family!

She got her bangs trimmed

Good times in the snow, sledding with sister and a snowman!!

Love that little smile!