First off, sorry for the late blog post. My app wouldn't let me update the blog at surgery and then it got kind of crazy around here so I am just getting around to it.
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Getting ready for surgery |
I'll check them myself |

Braylee's surgery went great! She now has 10 fingers!!!! We don't get to see them until we take her casts off on December 1st but they are there and we are so very excited!! They didn't keep her overnight for the first time with her fingers surgeries. So we went to a hotel that night since she had an appointment to get her orthotics the next morning. It turned out to be a good thing that we stayed since she started throwing up at 2:30 in the morning and just couldn't stop or keep any liquids down. We thought it was her pain meds that she hasn't had before and are common to cause nausea. So my mom and I took her to the ER to get her checked out. The doctor there told us it was either from her pain meds, a side effect of anesthesia, or a virus. They gave her zofran (anti-nausea medicine) and hooked her up to an IV for fluids and that seemed to get her to stop vomiting. They took blood work and xrays of her tummy to check for blockage and both came back clear. We were really close to saying lets go back to the hotel and wait it out another day there. Her dad, grandpa and sister even headed back home because they thought she would be getting discharged. Then she started throwing up again so we made the decision to stay a little longer and they moved us to the rapid treatment department and we waited to see how she did. Here her zofran had worn off and she started up again and was completely miserable. She then threw up some green bile which isn't a good sign so they immediately took her for an ultrasound to get a better look for a blockage and thankfully that came back clear also. We ended up staying the night and I told the nurse just keep up with all of her pain meds and zofran during the night so hopefully she can get some good rest and get over this. B slept really good only waking up once for meds. The next morning she was a completely different kid! Almost back to herself, sassy, not wanting the nurse to touch her thank you, so much so that B decided she would "check" her own cap refill in her fingers so that the nurse would leave her alone haha. Poor thing was tired of being poked and prodded. We weaned her off of her IV and zofran and she kept everything down and had a little bit of an appetite so they discharged her!!! YAY we can go home!! Well on the way home we got our answer on whether it was a virus, meds, or anesthesia because I started to get sick. Virus it is! Which I am soooo happy she didn't have a reaction to anesthesia because that would make future surgeries even more complicated. Slowly the rest of the family got sick and man oh man was it miserable! Feel so bad that she had to go through that all the while recovering from surgery. One strong little girl! But we are over the hump and pretty much back to ourselves now!
Ready to go home |

In other news she received her orthotics the day we got to head home and she still isn't the stablest in the them. She just isn't use to them yet and keeps losing her balance. So she gets to wear her shoes around the house and get those little feet comfortable.
Just have to keep on keeping on and get these little fingers healed!! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers they are greatly appreciated!!!