THREE... YEARS.. SURGERY... FREE!! Do you now what that means? It means she has not had a surgery for over half her amazing little life. Up until today over half of her life has been surrounded by surgeries and recovering from those surgeries. This may not seem like anything big but for a girl who potentially will have to endure countless more surgeries, 3 years without one is absolutely amazing!! Now, we know that in 5-6 months our streak is going to be ending but it's to make her life better and that is what we have to keep reminding ourselves. So we will enjoy this time and try not to fret over what's coming.

She is enjoying her last year at pre-school. Making new friends and learning a lot. She started swim lessons a couple weeks ago. She has always disliked getting her head wet. The instructors always struggled with getting her to at least put her ears in the water, well this year she has no fear!!! She has been dunking herself non-stop. It has been so much fun to watch her!
We've had a couple snow storms already that have left a few inches of snow and all she can talk about it getting her snowmobile out there. Sounds like it will be another good year to get in that powder again!
snuggling during sister's cold soccer game |
school pictures |
So excited to be Doc McStuffins for halloween |