Holy moly was this a crazy day. They have been trying to get everything coordinated with home health all afternoon so that we could get discharged today. At one point we were going to be good to go after her 6 pm meds and then the next thing I know they are saying that it's going to be the morning because home health couldn't get ahold of the pharmacy to confirm that they will have her meds by tomorrow. We were all pretty down and then I got a call from the Rock Springs IV Center and the fax he got was really confusing so he needed confirmation on the med and he confirmed they will have it tomorrow. I run down the nurse, who then frantically runs down the discharge planner to get ahold of this guy. Thankfully everyone got everything figured out and we are on our way home!!
She will be going home with an oral antibiotic and another IV. She will have these for the next 5 weeks. Hopefully they do the trick and keep killing these bugs.
The UMPS care charity came and brought a ton of build a bears, so Braylee got to go do that this morning while we waited. She chose a monkey and the Incredibles costume. Surprise she named him Flash. And she of course got to go back to the playroom.
We're so happy to be heading home where the true healing happens!! Thanks everyone for the gifts, texts, and messages. We'd be lost without our tribe!!