Friday, May 13, 2022

Surgery #13 scheduled

Well, I'm sad to report that Braylee will be going into surgery on June 7th for a big rotational scalp revision. We've tried everything we can think of to try and get this to close but it's just not cooperating. In fact it might be getting a little bigger. It will be 7.5 months of dealing with this incision, so it is just time to go in and make sure it stays closed.  For this surgery he will be making big cuts down the back of her head around the area if the hole, separate that from her skull and then stretch it up and rotate it around so that it covers the hole. She will hopefully only be in the hospital overnight. 

She gave us a little scare a little over a week ago. She had been playing on the bus and had her hands wrapped up on her coat and the bus turned and she ended up hitting her head on the window. A couple days later we noticed a bump where she had hit it. I talked with her surgeon and he agreed that since she was acting completely normal that we didn't need to take her in unless something came up. Well, the next morning she started throwing up. So I loaded her up and we headed to Jackson which is our closest Emergency Room, 83 miles away. Poor thing threw up the entire drive. They got us right in and took her back for a CT. The radiologist had a hard time telling what was old and new so he called her surgeon and went over the CT with  him (so grateful for him willing to do all of this on a Sunday) they determined that everything was fine and it was most likely a horribly timed stomach bug. Turns out Maddee (our youngest) started getting sick later that night too. Never thought I would be so happy to have a tummy bug making it's way through the entire  family.  If you want to know how to freak a radiologist out, get a CT for a head injury with a child who's skull is abnormal, has multiple holes and fractures from surgeries still healing. Poor guy sounded a little panicked on the phone. This girl is always keeping us on our toes!

She is doing amazing otherwise and I'm so glad she gets to finish out the school year, the last day is June 3rd. She's gets to enjoy all of the end of the year activities and run and jump and play  with all of her friends before we head back into reality and start the recovery process all over again. 

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