Saturday, October 23, 2021

Day 3 10/23/21

Well we've hit a little bump in the road.  She spiked a fever around 2 in the morning, which is expected with this type of surgery, but her blood pressure was pretty low and her oxygen kept dropping into the 60's and 70's (you don't want anything under 90). So we gave her some oxygen and that brought it up. Her blood pressure still wasn't great but we just kept an eye on it.  Her swelling has increased (as expected) but her eyes haven't completely swollen shut, so she is still able to see when she is awake. We'll take it!!   She's still throwing up and can't keep anything down even with zofran on board. 
The doctor ordered a blood draw this morning and those came back with her levels being low. So she needed a blood transfusion. The doctor was really busy today so we didn't get that started until 6 pm. We're hoping this helps her turn the corner and she starts to feel better. 
Thankfully throughout all of this her pain has been good to handle. She has only had morphine twice today and that was only because she couldn't keep the Motrin and Tylenol down. We have switched to the pill form instead of liquid and that seems to be the trick to keeping them down. 

She still amazes us with her strength!!