Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Surgery #10 tomorrow 10/21/21

Surgery#10 is tomorrow 10/21/21. Start time is scheduled for 8 a.m.  They will be doing a frontal orbital advancement (bringing her forehead forward) and filling in holes on her skull (pictured below). These need to be filled in so the halo device that she needs for her future mid-face surgery has a place to put the screws to hold in place. Still a very risky surgery since they will have to cut parts of her skull and put it back together like a puzzle with plates and screws.
 Luckily they won't shave her head this time, I just have to part her hair on her old cranial scar and braid it to keep her hair out of the way. They will shave along the scar.  We've made it down to Orem,UT since we changed surgeons she will be having surgery at Timpanogos Regional Hospital. She rocked her blood work this afternoon and no COVID test is needed so she's ready to rock and roll in the morning!! I'll update as I can. Keep those prayers and happy thoughts coming!! 


  1. Love you Braylee!! You got this! ❤️

  2. She is so brave!!!! Prayers for you all!

  3. Love you Braylee! Praying for your surgery! Can’t wait to see you back in school!
