Saturday, June 22, 2024

Post-op Day #5. 6/22/24

After sleeping good all night, Braylee woke up and started throwing up and her feeding tube ended up coming with it. So, they had to pull that out and it was very unpleasant for Braylee, but she toughed it out. The doctor was actually happy that she did it, he was also starting to think it was the tube and feeds that were causing irritation. But it is hard for them to make the call on whether to take it out since they really need those nutrients. So the plan for the day was to get her to drink and try and eat. 

She did alright morning and ate a little lunch.  A couple hours after lunch they brought in a pediasure protein drink that they wanted her to drink too. She got about half of that down, reluctantly. She does not like the taste. But, then she threw up again. So my theory is she doesn't tolerate pediasure very well because that's what they were feeding in her tube as well. 

Changed the plan again and we were to focus just on water intake. Doctor told us at 7:30 that he wants her to drink 500 mL by 11:30 PM. Nurse gave us until midnight. Happy to say she got it done!  We had to start giving her the water through the syringe because she just wasn't taking very big sips and was never going to  make it to the cut off time. She complained a few times about having to take another drink but all I would have to say is to"ok well I guess we'll call them in for an IV" she would immediately be motioning for me to give her the water. Just a little push to help her get to that corner we're searching for. 
We skipped one of her Motrin times because her stomach was still upset. We figured it would also be good to know where her pain is at. A couple hours later her mouth started hurting. After some motrin, a Popsicle and  ice packs on her face, her pain was under control. So at least we know she still needs the meds and we aren't giving them for no reason. She kept pushing my hand in and out to give her the Popsicle. I asked her so you just want to hold it? She gave me that "really" look and said no. She's really taking advantage of the situation.  😂

She's looking great and her swelling has decreased so much! We're hoping she can get discharged tomorrow. The doctor was hopeful this morning that we could get out of here this weekend and with her making that water goal I think there's a pretty good chance. If she can then we can get home for her sister's birthday, her Dad got to celebrate his birthday in the hospital today. We both have now spent a birthday in the hospital. 

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