Saturday, June 29, 2024

Post -Op Day 12. 6/29/24

Braylee has been doing great this week back at home. Her appetite is slowly starting to return and as long as the food is soft  and we can cut it up really small then she is able to eat pretty much anything. 

She has lost so much weight so we're trying our best to put some of that weight back on her. Her sister's have learned to work the system because all they have to do is tell Braylee to ask to go for ice cream, knowing we won't say no to her getting any type of calories right now and so we all get to go for ice cream. If she wants it, she'll get it. 

She is slowly starting to be sassy and get her spunk back again and probably more than before because she knows she can get away with more right now. Even her sisters are taking her pestering them because it means we're getting closer to her being back to her normal self. 

We go see her surgeon on Tuesday the 2nd to remove her staples. Everything so far is looking good with her incision. We just hope it stays this way. 

Thanks everyone for the continued thoughts and prayers. 

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